I talk with people about potty training and they say things like... oh I did it over the weekend, oh my child just knew, when he was ready he did it on his own and didn't even have an accident, well it took a week...
WHAT!? I don't get it. It has been a week and a half and we are still struggling. When we are home and maddy's naked... she's a potty rock star. I don't even have to ask, she just runs to the potty any time she needs to. However if she needs to pee at church, shopping, or at story time she doesn't ask to go and just has an accident. I don't get how people can just get it done in a weekend. We'll keep chugging along.
When she made it through the day with no accidents, she got a special prize. She calls her princess Maddy.
Maddy's new fun activity is covering herself with blankets and playing underneath them. She attempted to bring Elliott it in on the fun, but he wasn't a big fan of being covered by a blanket.
Maddy's new favorite show is Super Why (thank you Kendra, I remember you showing it to me in CO). When the super heroes save the day, they do the Hip Hip Hooray dance. Here's Maddy's interpretation of it...
Well, Elliott has been teething for about a month and it's driving us insane. He's got 3 teeth and it looks like more are coming. When drugged up on Tylenol, he is his normal happy self, but as soon as it wears off, watch out! I don't even want to talk about how horrible nights have been. I can't wait for these teeth to just bust through and give us all a break!
I couldn't pass up posting this pic. This kid is too cute! He likes to "help" with laundry. He can't resist toppling the laundry basket. Oh, side note, still no crawling... he's trying so hard!
I just love this picture. It describes Maddy and Elliott's relationship exactly.