Sunday, July 03, 2011

I know if you read my blog you think we live in a land of rainbows, lollipops, unicorns, and candy. Most of the time my kiddos are adorable, as seen below....

I try to keep a positive outlook on life, although Ethan might not agree on that fact 100%. He sees me at my not so finest. So I'm going to be brave, like many of my friends who speak freely on their blogs, and I'm going to get these pestering thoughts out of my brain.

Recently I've been torturing myself with the question, why. Not why me, I try not to attend pity parties. More like, why did I do that or why I am I such an idiot. So here are my list of whys...

Why do I wait so long between loads of laundry and have to deal with doing 4 or 5 loads?
Why do I toss and turn at night, torturing myself with tedious thoughts, when I'm exhausted and need to sleep?
Why did I let myself get so fat?
Why am I so psycho about potty train and can't relax about it?
Why am I such a cruddy friend and never email/call the friends and family I love dearly?
Why do I neglect my scripture study?
Why have I reverted back to my shy high school self and find it hard to reach out and make friends here in Iowa?
Why can't I get my grocery bill down?
Why can I never tame my crazy hair?

Why, why, why... The whys continue. I hope I'm not the only crazy person, and that other people are haunted by all these why's in our lives. I'm trying to work on my whys, and be a better person. Live each day better than than the last, right. Let's carpe diem people!


Emily said...

Oh man do I have a lengthy list of why's. And a lot of "what ifs?" and "if i had done this instead..." which is just as bad. If not worse. I think that's just part of our human struggle. They call it "enduring" to the end for a reason. Not, "coasting" or "relaxing"... (By the way, I feel like it's easy for me to give advice, not as easy to live it) All you can do is tackle one thing at a time. By the way, I like reading people's reality check moments. Reminds us all of how much in the same boat we are in. :)

Jenn said...

I agree with your friend Emily, I like reading when people tell when they are struggling with things, because then I realize that I'm not the only one!
We all have those thoughts, in fact some of mine are the very same as yours. :) Lately I have just decided that I am just a flawed person and the only thing I can do is try my best and try not to worry about what everyone else thinks. The problem with this philosophy is that it is really hard to remind myself to live it all of the time. ha! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for the record, everyone feels psycho about potty training. It is not for the faint of heart. Oh no sir. love ya

Abbey Zmoos said...

I think you are great Liz. We all have our issues and things to work on. You do so many things well and those of us who benefit from your goodness are so grateful for who you are.

Joyce said...

I have the answer to all your "whys"...Because it is easy. It is easy to avoid doing laundry and easy to get fat and easy to obsess about not being perfect. I will give you $100 if you can name 3 perfect people...Go.

maugers said...

I have so many of those same questions! And, Joyce, does it count if I think they're perfect... or do they actually have to be? :) Because I think I have three :)

And Liz, if you ever figure out the hair thing, let me know! I NEED help :)

My assignment to you, start writing all the things you're doing right right now... I'll start, you update your blog ALL the time, and it' awesome to read about your family :)