First... she has slept through the night 3 times. Asleep by around 8 or 9 awake at 5 0r 6! Crazy! While this is great it does pose leakage problems! The first night her diaper leaked and I leaked too. So to avoid this, we try to change her diaper right before she falls asleep and I have to get up in the middle of the night to pump. So everyone gets to sleep through the night but me! Hummm...
Next... she has become more conversational. She will listen and "talk" and mimic you. My favorite is when she says "hello" aka "eh oh" we tried to get a little on video, but blogger is freaking out and won't load it! I'll try again next time.
Third... she is holding her head up much better and is now sitting in her baby chair. She'll only sit for a few minutes and gets mad. Also, she has become more "sturdy" for Ethan to play with so here is super Maddy.
Last... many of you know Maddy has some gastrointestinal issues. We call them the "Zmoos Guts" She gets constipated if you look at her funny. So here's what happened after 1 day of not pooping! She was workin' hard. Sorry my commentary is lame.